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of Shuttleberg Flachauwinkl - Kleinarl


Establishing the ski resort

Alois Rohrmoser, Sepp Harml and Benedikt Scheffer found the Kleinarler Bergbahnen,

today's Shuttleberg Flachauwinkl - Kleinarl, in 1975. The families Harml and Scheffer had already had their first experiences with the Zauchensee ski area as lift builders and entrepreneurs, while Alois Rohrmoser was the sole owner of the Atomic company based in Wagrain.

The successes of alpine ski racer Annemarie Moser-Pröll provide the initial spark to develop Kleinarl for alpine skiing. Starting from Annemarie's local mountain, a new ski area is formed within only three years, which extends from Kleinarl valley via Frauenalm to Flachauwinkl valley.

1980 the ski connection from Flachauwinkl to Zauchensee is opened, and the "Zauchi" is established as a train connection. In the following year, the two ski resorts build the motorway exit Flachauwinkl.

In 1988 the ski resorts and the tourism associations Flachau - Wagrain - St. Johann and Kleinarl - Flachauwinkl - Zauchensee with Altenmarkt - Radstadt, Filzmoos and Eben merge to form the Salzburger Sportwelt Amadé.

Due to Atomic's economic problems, Alois Rohrmoser retires as co-partner and half owner in 1995.

Since 2000 the Salzburg Sports World and with it the Shuttleberg Flachauwinkl - Kleinarl are members of Austria's largest ski association Ski amadé.

In 2010 the families Harml and Scheffer exchange and/or sell their shares in the Zauchensee Liftgesellschaft and the Bergbahnen Flachauwinkl-Kleinarl.

Since 2011, the Shuttleberg GmbH & Co KG (formerly Kleinarler Bergbahn GmbH Co KG) is wholly owned by the family holdings Harml Josef GmbH and Harml Rupert GmbH. The headquarters of the family business are in Flachau-Reitdorf.

The brothers Sepp and Rupert Harml are also building material producers and together with other partners operate a total of five building material factories in Salzburg (e.g. in Radstadt and St. Johann) and in Styria. In addition, the Harml entrepreneurial families are active as hosts, hoteliers and gastronomes in the towns of the Salzburger Sportwelt. The Tauernhof in Flachau, the Lumberjack and the Alpin Chalets are among others businesses of both families.

The Shuttleberg Flachauwinkl-Kleinarl has been certified for sustainability by Green Destinations since 2021, making it the world's first cable car company to achieve this. As a family-owned business entering its third generation, sustainability is ingrained in our DNA — we can't help but think and act sustainably. In 2021 and upon recertification in 2023, Shuttleberg was awarded three out of three possible stars.


Shuttleberg Flachauwinkl - Kleinarl, Salzburger Land

History of the facilities

1975 the Mooskopf lift, the Schüttalm lift and the first double chairlift are built in Kleinarl, the most modern double chairlift of that time.

1977 the first lift is built on the Frauenalm: the Frauenalm T-bar lift.

1978 the Walchau double chairlifts and the Gindlplatten T-bar lift are installed.

1981 the slopes on the Frauenalm are extended, and the Hubertus T-bar lift is constructed.

1982 the first experiments with snow-making equipment (diesel-powered cannons) are undertaken. Konrad Seiwald's Schüttalm pond serves as the first water reservoir.

1985 the Schüttalm lift is replaced by a new generation of T-bar lifts and the Fürstwand area is developed with the Fürstwand T-bar lift. 

1986 the Schüttalm reservoir is enlarged, the Fürstwand slope rebuilt and the Kleinarl valley descent via Vorderstuhl and Viehhof extended and in part rebuilt.

1987 the first snow water pipes are laid from the middle station Flachauwinkl to Walchau and a water connection from the Schmid power station pipeline to the Gindlgut. The first Skidata system and a time calculation with Zauchensee are introduced.

1988 the pumping station at the Schüttalm pond is built.

1989 the snow water pipeline in Kleinarl is extended from the middle station to the Vorderstuhl. 

1990, the Mooskopf lift is replaced by the first detachable chairlift with weather protection hood, the Bubble Shuttle. The concept for the Shuttleberg Flachauwinkl - Kleinarl is developed. 

1991 a snow water pipeline is laid from the Family slope to the top station.

1993 the first own storage pond is built on the Fürstwand as well as the first training lifts in Kleinarl Viehhof and Flachauwinkl Walchau.

1995 the first detachable six-seater chairlift, the Family Shuttle, replaces the Gindlplatten T-bar lift.

Family Shuttle am Shuttleberg

1996 werden der Speicherteich auf der Frauenalm, die Beschneiung beim Hubertus Lift und der Abwasserkanal in Flachauwinkl gebaut.

1997 werden die ersten Freestyle Einrichtungen beim Frauenalm Lift errichtet.

1998 werden die Beschneiungsanlagen für die Family Abfahrt gebaut.

1999 ersetzt die Sunshine Shuttle die Doppel-Sesselbahn Walchau. Die Kassa und die Information in Flachauwinkl werden als offene Rezeption umgesetzt.

1999 werden die Freestyle-Einrichtungen zum Hubertus Lift verlegt und Absolut Park genannt — das ist der offizielle Start des Absolut Parks auf seinem heutigen Gelände.

2002 ist der Shuttleberg Flachauwinkl - Kleinarl umgesetzt: Fünf kuppelbare Bahnen sind auf dem Berg errichtet, es befindet sich kein Schlepplift mehr in der Verbindungskette von Kleinarl Tal bis Flachauwinkl Tal. Die Champion Shuttle ersetzt den Doppel-Sessellift Kleinarl und die Powder Shuttle den Frauenalm-Schlepplift.

2003 wird der Easy Slope (heute Family Run Kleinarl) gebaut und ein Kanal von der Schüttalm bis zur Mittelstation in Kleinarl angelegt. Alle Liftstationen und Skihütten sind nun an das öffentliche Kanalnetz angeschlossen.

2003/2004 wird die Clubhotel-Anlage in Kleinarl, der Robinson Club Amadé, errichtet. Die Bergbahn-Gesellschaften (Flachauwinkl-Kleinarl und Zauchensee) sind Mehrheitseigentümer dieser Hotelanlage.

2005 wird die Bubble Abfahrt im unteren Bereich verbreitert. Dieser Abschnitt wird in der Nebensaison für Rennen und Trainings genutzt.

2006 werden die Absolut Shuttle und das Chill House eröffnet — ein Meilenstein für die Freestyle Szene auf dem Shuttleberg. Zusätzlich wird eine Pumpstation auf der Frauenalm errichtet.

2007 gibt es durchgehende Schneileitungen von Kleinarl Mitte bis Flachauwinkl.

2008 wird The Stash, der zweite Snowpark auf dem Shuttleberg, an der Powder Shuttle errichtet.

2008 wird die Absolut School gegründet, eine Ski, Snowboard und Freestyle Schule in Flachauwinkl an der Sunshine Shuttle.

2008 werden mit Rusty Raby und Metal Mizy die ersten Crazy Dolls erschaffen.

2009 die blaue Piste bekommt den Namen „Family Run“ und wird mit Crazy Dolls Stationen bestückt. Jahr für Jahr wächst das Projekt.

2010 wird das Sun House mit einem eigenen Kinderkino errichtet. Ein neuer Übungslift in Kleinarl wird gebaut.

1996 the water reservoir at the Frauenalm, the snow-making system at the Hubertus lift and the wastewater channel in Flachauwinkl are built.

1997 the first freestyle facilities are established along the Frauenalm Lift.

1998 the snowmaking systems for the Family slope are constructed.

1999 the Sunshine Shuttle replaces the double chairlift Walchau. The cash desk and the information desk in Flachauwinkl are converted into an open reception area.

1999 the freestyle facilities are moved to the Hubertus lift and named Absolut Park — this marks the beginning of the Absolut Park. 

2002 the Shuttleberg Flachauwinkl - Kleinarl is completed: Five detachable chairlifts are installed on the mountain, there is no longer a T-bar lift in the connecting chain from Kleinarl valley to Flachauwinkl valley. The Champion Shuttle replaces the Kleinarl double chairlift and the Powder Shuttle the Frauenalm T-bar lift.

2003 the Easy Slope (today Family Run Kleinarl) is constructed, and a canal is built from the Schüttalm to the middle station in Kleinarl. All lift stations and restaurants are now connected to the public canal network.

2003/2004 the hotel complex Robinson Club Amadé, is established in Kleinarl. The ski resorts Flachauwinkl - Kleinarl and Zauchensee are the majority owners of this hotel complex.

2005 the Bubble descent is widened in the lower area. This section is used for races and training in the low season.

2006 the Absolut Shuttle and the Chill House are opened — a milestone for the freestyle scene on the Shuttleberg. Besides, a pump station is being built on the Frauenalm.

2007 there are through-going snow lines from Kleinarl Mitte to Flachauwinkl.

2008 The Stash, the second snow park on the Shuttleberg, is constructed along the Powder Shuttle. 

2008 the Absolut School is founded — a ski, snowboard and freestyle school in Flachauwinkl near the Sunshine Shuttle.

2008 the first Crazy Dolls are created: Rusty Raby and Metal Mizy. 

2009 the blue track is named "Family Run" and is equipped with Crazy Dolls stations. The project is growing year by year.

In 2010 the Sun House is equipped with a comic cinema and a new practice lift is built in Kleinarl.

In 2011 the Winkalm II reservoir and the Superpipe are being built. The WiFi network is expanded over the mountain, and four new webcams with live streams from the Shuttleberg are set up. A new panorama is presented, and a slope guidance system with six outdoor screens is installed at the access points to the lifts. Absolut Park now has a fleet of three Volkswagen Amarok.

2012 the earth moulds for the five-kicker line are constructed in the Absolut Park. The goal is to become the leading freestyle park in Europe. The descent to the Absolut Shuttle is also broadened.

In 2013 the Superpipe lift is built. The cash desk in Kleinarl is renovated and designed to be more customer-friendly, the family slope is widened in the last section. The Family Run gets a new loop into the forest and two more stations.

2014 the construction of the Himmelleitboden reservoir begins. At the Sun House, the Fun Run is established for kids, and two new Family Run stations are added in Flachauwinkl. Two Skiline terminals are purchased for the cash desks. 

In 2015, the Himmelleitboden reservoir pond is further expanded and the Powder slope is filled up, and improved with the material from the reservoir pond.

The Himmelleitboden storage reservoir is completed in 2016: It is the largest of its kind in Salzburg and doubles the snowmaking capacity on the Shuttleberg. Thus the Shuttleberg is absolutely snow guaranteed as soon as the weather is cold enough.

2016 the Family Run leads over the whole mountain, is 19 kilometres long and passes 19 Crazy Dolls stations.

In 2016, Montenius Consult officially confirms the Shuttleberg 40 tested slope kilometres. 

2016, the Cross Run, a boarder and ski-cross track, is opened. For the first, time the Absolut Park is extended to the Kleinarl side of the Shuttleberg.

In 2017 the Lumberjack Shuttle, the longest lift to date, starts operating on the Shuttleberg Flachauwinkl - Kleinarl. It is located next to the Family Run on the Kleinarl side of the mountain and replaces the last two T-bar lifts: Fürstwand and Schüttalm.

In 2018 the water reservoirs Schüttalm and Fürstwand were restored and recreated as lakes. Those lakes offer shallow water zones with valuable habitats for amphibians.

2023 the Family Shuttle will be upgraded with a new control system to state-of-the-art technology.

In 2023, a new conveyor belt will be installed in the Beginner Area in Kleinarl.

Starting in 2023, wind measurements for a wind park project will commence at Mooskopf.

2023 Upgrade of the entire snow groomer fleet with SNOWsat – making snowmaking more sustainable.

2024 Conversion of the Lumberjack Shuttle mountain station to a fully automatic exit system. Thanks to AI-programmed control, the mountain station can operate without staff.

2024 Replacement of the Beginner Lift at Flachauwinkl with a new model of a low-mounted tow lift.

2024 Expansion of the attic in the Sun House – 12 additional rooms for our team will be created.

History of the events

Our understanding of a winter sports resort extends beyond safe, well-groomed and snow-guaranteed slopes. That is why since the 1990s we regularly organise varied events for active families. Besides, in the Absolut Park several contests for freestyle snowboarders and freeskiers take place every year. 


Since 1999: Easter Bunny Party on Wednesday in Holy Week

Since 2000: Mega Skitest (since 2011 extended to Mega Ski & Snowboard Test)

Since 1999: Shuttle Games 

Since 2000: Speed Race on the Speed Course

Since 2007: Kids Day



History of the Absolut Park

In 1997, the first park was built at the Frauenalm Lift


Absolut Park am Shuttleberg Flachauwinkl Kleinarl


1999 START OF A NEW ERA - the freestyle facilities are moved to the Hubertus Lift, their current location. That is the official start of the Absolut Park.  

2002 the first SPRING BATTLE takes place in the Absolut Park, where international top athletes compete for valuable world ranking points. Since winter 2014/15 the contest is held as a follow-cam session for snowboarders and freeskiers. 

2003 the JIB KING, a rookie contest for snowboarders and freeskiers, is held for the first time. 

2006 a BIG MILESTONE for the freestyle scene on the Shuttleberg - the Absolut Shuttle and the Chill House are built.

2008 THE STASH opens below the Powder Shuttle, a natural playground for freestylers and powder fans and the second snow park on the Shuttleberg. The Absolut School is founded - the first freestyle school in Austria. 

2011 the first superpipe is set up on the Shuttleberg. It corresponds to the dimensions of the Olympic Games and is a training facility for international professional athletes. 

2012 AIRTIME - the earthworks for the five-kicker line are completed in 2012. From then on Absolut Park is one of the leading snow parks worldwide. 

2016 SNOW - to make more snow and to be able to build the snowparks earlier a new water reservoir was built.
A new part of the Absolut Park was built - the CROSS RUN KLEINARL.

2018 all obstacles of both STASH runs were renovated and recreated.

2019 the LIL' STASH has been extended. 

2021 SPRING BATTLE - due to the Covid-19 situation, we adapted to the restrictions and held the Spring Battle 2021 as Best Trick worldwide online contest for the first time.

2023 Premiere of the Burton Mystery Tour in Europe at Flachauwinkl.

2024 European premiere of THE UNINVITED - Ladies-only Rail Contest.

2024 Lumberjack Line at Fürstwand in Kleinarl.